Sunday, February 5, 2012

It's A....

The gender reveal for an expecting Mom and Dad is an exciting time! Whether you find out ahead of time, or decide to wait, there are many creative and adorable ways to share the happy news with friends and family.  Some couples going as far as having a Gender Reveal Party (I'm totally doing this, any excuse to have a party right??).  Here are just a few of my favorites from Pinterest:

Made these for my friends Amanda and Bob - they worked out for the most part.  Gotta make sure you have a lot of icing in the middle.  They said their parents had to bite a few times to get to the pink frosting! Baby Lily expected in April!

Make your appointment with sj.bridgeman photography to capture this idea found here

Or better yet, make your baby shower the place where everyone gets to find out! 
(if you can keep it in that long, that takes will power!)

Before I go let me give a shout out to two of my favorite people Maria & Jeff Brett on the news of Baby Brett debuting this August! They were the inspiration for this you guys!!!

1 comment:

  1. So which one of these will you use when it's your big reveal? (sooner rather than later, I'm hoping.)
